Valentine's Day Gift Idea: Marimo Moss Ball (Basic Introduction, Care Instructions, and Symbolic Meaning)

February 14, 2023(Last updated: February 22, 2023) Just Sharing

Valentine's Day Gift Idea: Marimo Moss Ball (Basic Introduction, Care Instructions, and Symbolic Meaning)

The Marimo moss ball is truly a plant for lazy people. It's easy to care for, extremely therapeutic mentally, and has symbolic significance.

Have you ever felt bored and wanted to have some pets or plants, but also worried that you don't have the time to take care of them? If you're really lazy or too busy to go out, then Marimo might be a perfect choice for you.
Marimo is a very unique and precious plant, and I recently bought a few of them. 😎
Let me introduce you to some basic knowledge about Marimo.

🔎Basic Introduction


Marimo is a very special plant, which is a type of green algae that grows in lakes. The name of this plant comes from the Japanese word 'まりも' which means 'seaweed ball', because of its unique spherical shape resembling a ball of fur. Marimo is a traditional plant in Northern Europe and Japan, and is believed to have special symbolic significance.

Not only is it a beautiful decoration, but there are also many other advantages to Marimo. Marimo is very easy to care for, requiring only regular water changes, maintaining clean water quality, and ensuring that it receives sufficient sunlight (but be sure not to expose it to direct sunlight, as indoor artificial light sources are already sufficient).
In addition, Marimo has good air purifying effects, as it can absorb some harmful substances and maintain fresh indoor air (although a small ball may not have a significant effect😂).

💡Types of Marimo


Most of the ones you can see on the market are green spherical shapes, but in fact, Marimo not only in spherical shapes. The main body of the Marimo is composed of small filamentous algae that branch out from the center, and depending on their growing environment, they can be classified as epiphytic, floating, or colonial types. Despite the changes in shape, the contents are all the same.

different shapes Marimo

🗾Native Habitat


Marimo has only been found in Japan, Iceland, and Estonia, and the closest place to us where it originates from is Lake Akan in Hokkaido, Japan. Lake Akan is a beautiful lake located in the eastern part of Kushiro, Hokkaido, and is one of the main tourist attractions in the area. The water in the lake is clear and the ecological environment is rich, attracting many tourists to visit.

The discovery of marimo in Lake Akan can be traced back to the early 1970s, when a researcher conducting a lake survey found the existence of this microorganism. With further investigation, it was found that marimo's quantity in Lake Akan was enormous, even becoming a major attraction in the area. The massive propagation of marimo is closely related to the unique ecological environment of Lake Akan. The surrounding area of Lake Akan has vast areas of primeval forest, which provides abundant organic matter for the growth of organisms in the lake. At the same time, the water quality of Lake Akan is clear and free of pollution, which also provides a good environment for the growth of marimo.

Due to the threat of environmental changes and resource depletion, wild marimo have been protected and collecting and selling them is prohibited. Therefore, the marimo sold as souvenirs in Hokkaido are actually artificially cultured marimo.

Apart from Lake Akan, traces of marimo have also been found in Lake Biwa and the Fuji Five Lakes outside of Hokkaido. However, except for Lake Akan, no other lakes have been able to cultivate the ball-shaped Marimo in a colonial form.

Native Marimo at the bottom of Lake Akan

🫶Symbolic Meaning


Marimo are an excellent choice as a Valentine's Day gift because they have symbolic meaning. In Nordic and Japanese cultures, Marimo are regarded as symbols of love and loyalty, making them an ideal choice for a significant other. Additionally, the Marimo can represent a long-lasting relationship as it can grow for a considerable length of time while maintaining its beautiful appearance.

In summary, Marimo is a very special and symbolic plant. If you are looking for a unique gift, Marimo is a worthwhile choice. It not only represents your feelings, but also provides a lasting keepsake that can deepen your love. In addition to its symbolic meaning, Marimo also represents life and hope, with its green color symbolizing growth and prosperity. In busy and exhausting lives, Marimo can serve as a beautiful reminder of the important values and good things in life. It truly is a perfect gift!


Although I initially wanted to raise it by myself, I felt it would be boring, so I invited my partner to raise one together.
One for each of us - so romantic of engineers.😎

🌱Care Instructions



I recommend using neutral mineral water that is rich in minerals for Marimo's survival. Avoid using RO (reverse osmosis) water, which may be clean for humans but lacks nutrients and can be harmful to Marimo. If using tap water, note that it usually contains chlorine, which can be harmful to aquatic plants and animals. Therefore, it is best to let the tap water sit for one to two days before use to allow harmful substances to evaporate.

Generally, water should be changed every 1-2 weeks, but during the summer months, the water quality may deteriorate, so it is recommended to increase the frequency of water changes.


As a plant, Marimo requires light for photosynthesis to grow properly. However, Marimo lives at the bottom of lakes, and strong sunlight can cause great harm to them. Therefore, when keeping Marimo, it is important to avoid direct sunlight. Indoor lighting and artificial light are sufficient for their healthy growth.


Marimo's hometown is at the bottom of the cold lakes in Hokkaido, and it has a strong adaptability to low temperatures but cannot tolerate high temperatures at all. Marimo can grow healthily in water temperatures between 10-25 degrees Celsius.

However, when the water temperature exceeds 30 degrees Celsius, Marimo may die due to high temperature. Therefore, in the summer, Marimo can be placed in a covered container and put in the refrigeration room to avoid heat. Of course, if you can change the water for Marimo on cool days in the summer and let them undergo photosynthesis under indoor lighting or artificial light, they will be even healthier!



At first, I only heared about this interesting creature because my brother help his colleague who was on a long vacation to changing the water . After doing some research, I realized that it's suitable for someone like me who loves aquatic plants but is also super lazy. Although it may seem simple, there are still many details to pay attention to, and I hope it can grow up successfully.

Later, I thought it would be a good idea to invite my parents to join in on the fun, so I bought a larger one and kept it at my place temporary. The 2cm marimo already feels fuzzy!😀



Photo provided




Software engineer, interested in financial knowledge, health concepts, psychology, independent travel, and system design.

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